Thomas May

The Health One

The list below is an ‘al a carte’ menu of proven ways to help you improve your health and wellbeing. Each point has been selected from various studies, research, articles, talks, and finally from my previous CareMails.

Life After LockDown

I thought it would be helpful to start with a simple explanation of what happens to our mind and body when we are feeling anxious, upset or even scared and fearful.

Becoming Your Own Therapist - Part 1

In recent articles I’ve talked about stress and anxiety, loss and bereavement, and the need for control. Yet in my practice there is one issue that presents itself time and time again, the feeling of inadequacy.

Becoming Your Own Therapist - Part 2

In this 10th CareMail I’m going to explain how you can replace emotional reactivity with thoughtful observation, enabling you to become more of an anthropologist, observing your feelings rather than getting pulled in and swamped by them.

Increasing Our Happiness - Part 1

Whatever happiness means for you, here are some proven ways to increase your happiness levels and general wellbeing; something we can all benefit from right now.

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